Opportunity Day

Our Services

Recruitment of new employees

Are you looking for staff and want to broaden your network for recruitment? Over the years, we have built up a large contact base of job seekers and unique channels to reach the target group of job seekers born abroad. About 70 % of our event visitors have university education or similar. Contact Us then we will tell you more.

Participate in our events

Since the start, almost 4,000 people have visited our events. The possibilities at Opportunity Day's meeting places are many; Recruit new employees, listen to seminars on the business benefits of diversity or expose your business to visitors. Read about upcoming events here.

Book a lecture

Talk inclusion, diversity and business benefit at your next customer meeting, kick-off or staff meeting. Contact Us then we will tell you more.

Get involved in our HR network

Do you work in HR and want to be part of a network where you are given the opportunity to meet and coach job seekers on your own terms? The members of our HR network volunteer to participate in interview coaching, workshops on common Swedish interview questions, business culture, etc., depending on time and desire. Contact Us then we will tell you more.

Become A Partner

Does your company want to take a stand for inclusion and diversity? Do you want to make it easier for actors in your network to contribute to a more sustainable society? As a partner to Opportunity Day, you are helping to create a more inclusive labor market where more resources are used.
Read more here.

Workshop for job seekers

Does your organization have contact with people born abroad who are looking for a job and looking for activities that can prepare the job seeker for Swedish working life? Through our previous experiences, we have met over 200 job seekers and coached in Swedish business culture, common interview questions and interview training. Contact Us then we will tell you more.